Financial Highlights Significant Scale Projecting $375 –$390M in revenue for FY 2020 Retention & (1) Expansion Growing importance within existing customers driving 118%dollar-based net retention rate (2) Operating Leverage 81% Q2 2020 non-GAAP gross margin with demonstrated leverage from author fee structure Investing for the Investment in Pluralsight Flow and related go to market enhances product and sales outlook, Long Term expediting our path to our target model Exited Q2’20 with $550M+ in total Cash and Investments Cash & Cash Flow History of positive cash flow (2004 through 2015 and Q3-Q4 2018, Q1 2019, Q1 2020) $9M in Operating Cash Flow in 1H 2020, and neutral Free Cash in 1H 2020 (excl. cash spent on new campus) 1. Please refer to appendix for definition of dollar-based net retention rate 2. For the three-month period ended June 30, 2020 14

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